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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Dr. Seuss Week

Dr. Seuss Week

February 25 – March 1

Monday, February 25: Cat in the Hat is COOL!  
Wear a special hat today to celebrate READING! Students should be in standard school attire on this day.
Tuesday, February 26: Fox in Socks Day
Wear silly socks and standard school attire on this day!
Wednesday, February 27: Wacky Wednesday
Wear mismatched shoes, shirts or pants inside out or backwards, crazy hair, and be ready for a wacky day. Students are not required to wear standard school attire on this day. 
Thursday, February 28: Dress like your favorite book character
Dress like your favorite book character from any book! Students that dress up must have a book that includes their character with them. Students are not required to wear standard school attire on this day. 
Friday, March 1: Read Me Day

Wear a shirt with words written on it! Read your neighbor’s shirt! Students can wear jeans and a shirt on this day.
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Friday, February 1, 2019