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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Read Me Week/Dr. Seuss Week

Dr. Seuss Week
Monday: Wear red and white SSA and a hat.
Tuesday:  Wear silly socks with SSA.
Wednesday:  Wear wacky clothes (mismatched, inside                       out, wild hair, etc.) NO SSA!
Thursday:  Wear orange or yellow SSA.
Friday:  Wear you’re A.Z. Kelley t-shirt, jeans, and               sunglasses.  Also, bring your favorite book to               school.
**If your child chooses not to participate, they are expected to wear regular SSA to school.**

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Ms. Carter taught us all about organisms last week.  Check out the pictures below of the kids learning about woodland and water plants, snails, guppies, pill bugs, and millipedes!

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

How to Blow a Bubble

The kids had SO much fun blowing bubbles so they could explain in writing how to blow a bubble!

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rock Stars

Congratulations to Nadaa and Sumin for clipping all the way up to RED!  Woohoo!  I’m so proud of them!

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Celebration

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Here are a few photos from Friday.

The kids always enjoy giving each other valentines!

We played a fun game called Minute to Win It.  The kids had one minute to bite the ends off the Licorice, dump the Pixie Stix onto the paper, use the Licorice to blow the Pixie Stix sugar out of the circle, open up the Hershey’s Kiss and put in the circle, and put the Smarties in the boxes.  Although nobody finished in one minute, everyone had lots of fun!

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